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The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) strengthens the abilities of California Community Colleges to gather, analyze, and act on information in order to strengthen student success.
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 Theme, Goals, & Strands

California’s community colleges are in the midst of a paradigm shift, one that asks us to center students’ experience at the heart of decision-making, effectively close equity gaps, and significantly increase outcomes. The #SSSC20: Strengthening Student Success Online Series will elevate ways colleges transform through “Caring. Commitment. Community.

Fostering campus ecosystems that recognize and holistically address every student’s needs means demonstrating an interest in the success of our students and each other, and acting with curiosity and compassion. It requires us to value and build on the knowledge and assets that students bring to the table and strive to meet their varying needs for resources and support, while holding them to high expectations. It necessitates providing spaces for students to learn, grow, succeed, and contribute to the achievement of others. It compels all of us to directly connect our individual and collective work and our students’ well-being. It demands that we intentionally interrupt structural inequities that have historically privileged some students over others.

This past spring, colleges responded nimbly to urgent needs and sometimes found that transformation can happen more quickly than anyone expects. Some also found that transformation does not always require funds, which must be kept in mind as we look toward our immediate future. The wide-ranging and varied work shared during this year’s #SSSC20: Strengthening Student Success Online Series will provide insight into how educators statewide are realizing equitable, healthy community college ecosystems that support students, college personnel, and their surrounding communities.

  • Deepen understanding of critical issues that shape student success in California Community Colleges

  • Learn about practical, evidence-based examples of how colleges advance student success

  • Apply concepts highlighted at the conference to our own work to create student-ready, equitable institutions

  • More deeply engage students in the work of our colleges to design the student experience

  • Develop and strengthen networks with colleagues and other stakeholders

  • Increase our collective capacity to lead change at our colleges

  • Collaborating Across Sectors and Segments: External Partnerships and Networks

  • Advancing Equitable Institutional Transformation

  • Fostering Equitable Placement, Support, and Completion

  • Ensuring Learning in the Classroom and Beyond

  • Building a Culture of Improvement for Equitable Outcomes: Professional Learning and Leadership Development

  • Working at Scale: Strategic and Integrated Planning

  • Emerging Issues