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The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) strengthens the abilities of California Community Colleges to gather, analyze, and act on information in order to strengthen student success.
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Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP)

Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP)


Growing evidence that multiple measures, such as high school transcripts and noncognitive variables, can greatly improve the accuracy of student placement in English and math, therefore facilitating their movement into and through college-level coursework.

Part of the California Community Colleges Common Assessment Initiative, the Multiple Measures Assessment Project aims to contribute to the advancement of this approach across the state’s system.

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Statewide CCC Surveys project

Statewide California Community College Surveys


Many California Community Colleges (CCC) administer student surveys to understand their students’ experiences and gather feedback to support local continuous improvement efforts. To support the CCCs’ with these efforts, The RP Group has implemented several statewide survey efforts to provide individual colleges, and the state with information about CCC students’ experiences, needs, and challenges related to, but not limited to, transfer, enrollment, and basic needs.

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Exploring Geographic Isolation as a Barrier to Equitable Transfer Outcomes

Exploring Geographic Isolation as a Barrier to Equitable Transfer Outcomes


This research is focused on understanding the role university educational deserts (UED) (areas with limited higher education options) have on transfer and the demographics of the students who live in these areas. This study will include a mapping of the California landscape where UEDs exist, followed by a robust quantitative analysis to explore the relationships between students’ distance to broad-access universities and their likelihood of transfer with special attention paid to the roles of race/ethnicity and income status.

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African American Transfer Tipping Point (AATTP) Study

African American Transfer Tipping Point (AATTP) Study


This research project was designed to identify which factors have the greatest influence on transfer outcomes among high-leverage African-American learners in the CCC system to supports efforts for increasing African-American student transfer success.

The project involves a mixed-methods approach to identify the “tipping points” for transfer-focused African-American students.

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Through the Gate

Through the Gate Transfer Study


This research aims to identify strategies for increasing transfer among “high-leverage learners” in California Community Colleges—individuals who have completed all or most of their transfer requirements, but who do not make it “through the gate” to a four-year institution. Our study specifically focuses on the Inland Empire and Central Valley, as students in these areas of the state have lower transfer rates, suggesting that they may face unique challenges and barriers in their transition from community college to university.

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Student Support (Re)Defined

Student Support (Re)defined


Research increasingly indicates that integrating instruction and student support can facilitate college efforts to significantly increase student progress and completion.

Student Support (Re)defined examined how community colleges can deliver support both inside and outside the classroom to improve success for all students, with a specific focus on what students themselves say they need to succeed.

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