Framework outlining an approach for annually evaluating  community college performance, which became the basis of Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC).

Longitudinal research study of the long-term impacts of the Academy for College Excellence (ACE) on students’ academic and employment outcomes.

"College success dashboard” created to provide consistent, high-level information on community college student momentum points and outcomes for Aspen’s Prize finalist visit teams, as well as their Presidential Fellows.

Research study focusing on (1) who participates, persists, completes, and succeeds in the online setting and (2) what makes these online approaches work for students and faculty.

Technical assistance to the college’s current research and evaluation efforts in the areas of Student Cohort Tracking, Academic Support Evaluation, and Student Success and Equity Planning and Research, in order to improve student outcomes.

Report with literature review identifying effective practices in basic skills, an institutional self-assessment, and an electronic tool to calculate return on investment.

Analysis of how to transform basic skills instruction as observed at 20 California Community Colleges.

Technical assistance to the Bay Area California Community Colleges Consortium (BACCC) to create data visualizations for workforce related data from the LaunchBoard and other sources to support the region’s planning efforts.

Multiphase evaluation of the Bay Area Workforce Funding Collaborative’s (BAWFC) investment in community college career technical education (CTE) bridge programs.

Multi-prong research study identifying effective practices of health occupations programs in order to improve recruitment, orientation, and other pre-program activities as well as to increase the effectiveness of early intervention and remedial student support services.

Toolkit featuring a literature review, a framework of strategies, and an institutional self assessment designed to assist two- and four-year institutions in strengthening financial stability and closing attainment gaps for low-income students.

Strengthened cultures of inquiry and evidence in the California Community College system through a combination of onsite technical assistance, statewide professional development, and online resources.

Facilitation of a series of student focus groups and sharing findings at a practitioner convening to understand the educational experiences of student populations identified in Cabrillo College’s equity efforts.

Evaluation of the effects of curricular redesign on the progress of students who placed into the remedial English and math sequence at 16 California Community Colleges.

Evaluation of MIS student success data for a set of California Community Colleges.

Evaluation of initiatives designed to advance the effectiveness of the entire California Community College system including the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Common Assessment, Education Planning​, Online Education, and Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiatives.

Evaluation of the California Community Colleges Education Planning Initiative (CAI) designed to provide feedback on the development and implementation of an education planning and degree audit system for the state.

Timeline 2017/2018-Current

Evaluation of the California Community Colleges Education Planning Initiative (CAI) designed to provide feedback on the development and implementation of an online course exchange and related student support services for the state.


Quantitative analysis of the impact of GE courses incorporating high-impact practices at the community college level on student performance, and guidance on, and dissemination of, the final report.

Timeline 2018 Evaluation of activities associated with Senate Bill (SB) 1391 (an interagency agreement to be created between the CCCCO and Califor...

Timeline 2017-2018 Identify post-secondary institutions offering cybersecurity programs, and administer a survey to these programs to inventory pr...

Series of four inquiry guides documenting approaches and insights emerging from the Completion by Design initiative, focused on developing guided pathways to improve student completion and success.

Instructional strategy and multifaceted resource for practitioners — particularly CTE, math, English, and ESL instructional and counseling faculty — for teaching basic skills in a context that is meaningful and relevant to students' lives.

Survey and research study focusing on employment outcomes for Career and Technical Education (CTE) students.

Online tool with a library of support resources enabling colleges to find, understand, and use CTE data in order to strengthen and improve student transitions from K-12 through college and into the workforce.

Timeline 2017-2018 The RP Group will conduct a series of focus groups at Cuesta College designed to learn more about students’ experien...

Regional workforce initiative that enables 11 community colleges to develop regionally articulated programs for dislocated workers or unemployed adults to earn degrees or credentials that enable them to enter the workforce in industries with growing occupational demand and opportunities for career and wage advancement.

Online toolkit offering a suite of resources to assist secondary and community college partners in launching or strengthening dual enrollment programs.

Report on effective practices for the successful transition of students from high school to college entry as documented in research-based literature.

Research brief that identifies the skills and competencies needed to effectively use LMI resources and assist practitioners in gathering local LMI.

Research on methods for improving weekly student contact hours forecasts for the CCCCO.

Overview documents that outline internal and external trends shaping the system’s future as part of the statewide strategic planning process for California Community Colleges.

Study on the effectiveness of the EOPS program in serving students with economic and/or social disadvantages.

Third party evaluations to help improve outcomes and increase the effectiveness of student success initiatives, programs, and various efforts by community colleges and other higher education-based organizations. 

List of Focus Group series involving students, staff, faculty, and/or administration, conducted by the RP Group to help colleges inform programs, equity plans, campus culture, and more.

Findings that assist in optimizing the accreditation process for true quality improvement.

Awards program recognizing seven California Community Colleges that demonstrated success with basic skills populations through strategies that support systemic improvement.

Set of tools in the area of Data Disaggregation across a variety of topics, including student equity and support, institutional effectiveness, and student learning.

Timeline 2016-2019

Timeline 2016-2019

Facilitation and dissemination of practitioner-informed recommendations for changes at the system and classroom levels, looking at the question of completion through the lens of course-taking behavior, based on a study by University of Michigan’s Peter Riley Bahr.

Professional development for community college “middle” leaders working to strengthen their students’ success and the effectiveness of their institution...

Evaluation of Long Beach City College’s Alternative Pathways to Engineering Education and Careers, a TAACCCT-funded project.

Assessment of the Metro model collaboratively designed and implemented by City College of San Francisco (CCSF) and San Francisco State University (SFSU) faculty to examine the question of how and if colleges could restructure pathways to transfer and completion in order to improve student outcomes and reduce costs.

Timeline 2014-Current Collaborative effort led by the RP Group and Educational Results Partnerships’ Cal-PASS Plus system to develop, pilot,...

Research conducted on prior learning assessment and competency-based education through a partnership between the RP Group, the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, and the Moran Technology Group.

Literature review identifying a set of 18 promising practices that enable the successful transition of students from adult education to postsecondary education.

Study and findings that resulted in the foundation for the creation of the Community College Pathways for Foster Youth (CCP), a million dollar initiative funded by The Walter S. Johnson Foundation, the Stuart Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to assist campus programs in improving college and career outcomes for former foster youth at 10 California Community Colleges.

Evaluation assessing the effectiveness of San Jose State University’s faculty advisory pilot program.

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The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) strengthens the abilities of California Community Colleges to gather, analyze, and act on information in order to strengthen student success.
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