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The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) strengthens the abilities of California Community Colleges to gather, analyze, and act on information in order to strengthen student success.
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#SSSC20: Strengthening Student Success Online Series Sponsors

Celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, the Strengthening Student Success Conference is a popular and high-profile venue for a wide cross-section of community college leaders to explore effective practices. The event has sold out almost every year, and brought in nearly 800 attendees in 2019, including sponsors, exhibitors, and presenters.

What Others Are Saying...


“Equity is the underlying
core to student success.
How can we address the
equity gap without a
understanding of what
equity is? Personally,
professionally, structurally.” 
— Los Angeles Pierce College


"We need to collaborate
across all groups on campus
and keep the students'
needs and success
as the driver for all important
decision-making on our
campuses. The efforts that
we make to get the
campus together and on
the same page will help
guide the changes that we
make for our students.” 
— San Diego City College


‘You don’t get tired of
feeling at home’. [This
quote by a presenter]
inspires me to continue to
stress the importance of
community-building in our
classrooms and service
areas throughout our
— Cuyamaca College


“I’m feeling empowered to
create, inform, and
inspire! *Side note -
amazing conference!
...Can’t wait to come back!!!” 
— Mt San Jacinto College




Contact Stacey Boswell with any questions or for more information about sponsor and exhibitor opportunities.

 SSSC Sponsors


  • Event in high demand, consistently selling out over the years

  • Place to explore strategies for maximizing institutional effectiveness, student learning, equitable outcomes

  • Opportunity to build relationships with a wide cross section of more than 800 higher ed, CCC faculty, directors, student services, staff, research, planners, and others


  • Speaking opportunities and multiple possibilities for connections and visibility through our Virtual Event Platform

  • Multiple promotional opportunities within our Virtual Event Platform and leading up to the conference through conference website and emails

  • Customized Sponsor Profiles within our Virtual Event Platform with brand identity, attachments, external linking to showcase your company in many ways

  • Opportunities to share the best of your product or service in hosted information sessions

  • Metrics provided to quantify the value of your participation


  • Collaborating across sectors

  • Equitable institutional transformation

  • Emerging issues

  • Leadership development

  • Strategic, integrated planning...and more!

To Register Your Commitment...

Complete an online registration form by September 11, 2020. The earlier you register, the more likely your preferred opportunity will be available and the more visibility you will receive. Upon registration, you will receive an immediate email confirmation. Planning details will be emailed a minimum of three weeks pre-conference.

Custom Sponsorships

Should you find that your needs do not align with the sponsorship options listed, please contact MeetingWise to discuss customization options and your budget.


Contact MeetingWise LLC , our conference planning consultants, or (310) 973-9473, ext 104 as needed.

Need More Information?

Go to our conference page or email us at for additional information. With specific questions, contact MeetingWise LLC, our conference planning consultants, or (310) 937-9473, ext 104. Look for conference and sponsors promotion on Twitter and Facebook: #SSSC20.

Logo & Ad Specs

Color sponsor and exhibitor logos should be in high resolution (jpeg and png only) and must be submitted to MeetingWise, LLC  by September 11, 2020, which is also the sponsor digital ad deadline.​

Finished Digital Ad sizes should be full screen PowerPoint Slide = 10” wide x 5.63” high.

Banner ads will need to be submitted in TWO separate sizes: 460 x 200 png/jpeg AND 640 x 100 png/jpeg.