2020 Post-Conference Workshops

Friday, April 17, 2020 | 9 am – 1 pm| $110 for RP members and $135 for non-members

Register now for a post-conference workshop! (Registration fee includes morning refreshments and boxed lunch) 

Let’s Do This! Full Evaluation and Validation of AB 705

Led by the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research team, this interactive workshop will bring IRPE professionals together to share AB 705 research and evaluation plans, as well as research that has already been conducted on the following topics: (1) validating placement rules that deviate from the default placement rules; (2) evaluating self-placement and guided placement models; (3) AB 1805 compliance and reporting plans, and (4) disproportionate impacts of AB 705 as it pertains to placement and enrollment into transfer-level courses. This will be a hands-on session to learn from others, ask questions, and get feedback on current and future evaluation and validation plans.

Presenters: Craig Hayward, Bakersfield College; Terrence Willett, Cabrillo College; Mallory Newell, De Anza College; John Hetts, Educational Results Partnership; Loris Fagioli, Irvine Valley College

Nuts and Bolts of Developing a Data-Informed Culture

Are you interested in building a data-informed culture at your institution? This workshop is designed to provide support and create a network for researchers to explore this topic and lessons learned from peers who have embarked on this journey on their own campuses. Learn about the key ingredients and considerations for an effective data coaching and literacy process. Join us for an interactive session that will focus on (1) assessing your campus landscape to consider factors that will impact this effort and (2) determine concrete next steps to advance a data coaching/literacy effort at your institution.

Presenters: Giovanni Sosa, Crafton Hills College; Hannah Lawler, Santa Monica College; KC Greaney, Santa Rosa Junior College: Katie Brohawn and Alyssa Nguyen, The RP Group

Student Centered Funding Formula: Planning, Forecasting, and Implementation

A panel of college practitioners, consultants, and Chancellor’s Office representatives will share guidance and exemplars to support outcomes associated with the Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF). The workshop will highlight approaches colleges and districts are utilizing to plan, integrate, and inform campus constituents for the onset of SCFF. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to leverage the collective knowledge of the panel to answer specific questions and engage in structured discussions to best position your institution for success at the conclusion of the hold harmless period.

Presenters: Brian Murphy, Butte College; John Hetts, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office; Michelle Barton, Palomar College; Denice Inciong, South Orange Community College District; Barbara MeNiece-Stallard, Mt. San Antonio College; other presenters TBD

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The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) strengthens the abilities of California Community Colleges to gather, analyze, and act on information in order to strengthen student success.
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