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The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) strengthens the abilities of California Community Colleges to gather, analyze, and act on information in order to strengthen student success.
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RP Conference 2020Information updated as of March 25, 2020

Hotel Cancellation Instructions

If you booked a hotel room through the group block, the hotel will automatically cancel all reservations made as part of our room block. There is no need to contact the hotel and no charges will be made to any credit cards. However, if you booked outside the block and/or if you have specific questions regarding your reservation (e.g. you paid by advance check and need to work out reimbursement), you may contact the hotel directly via email at or via phone to (562) 951-2736. Please note that there may be a delay as they have an increased volume of calls.

Please do not hesitate to contact Lila Tavelli, Professional Development Events Manager with any questions or concerns.